Here you'll find an array of links to other SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION sites |
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Site #1...This site is great if you want to know what Spontaneous Combustion is. It sticks to the facts without all the glam and glitter the other paranormal sites tend to have.
Site #2...This was an O.K site. A little bit confusing.
Site #3....In one word...FREAKY!!!!...they have some pictures of SHC victims.
Site #4.....This is an ON-LINE English newspaper from ENGLAND. There tend be alot of SHC victims in Europe. They have pictures of victims too.
Site #5.....Pokes fun at people who believe in SHC. The authors of this site disclaim any belief in spontaneous combustion.
site #6....This site is GREAT! gives you stories of people who have been victims and a chronology of SHC.
site #7.....the strange and UNEXPLAINED
site #8.....URBAN LEGENDS. FIND out about SHC and other paranomal stuff
site #9....short and sweet...brief explanation on the unexplained.
site #10..... EWWWWWWWW grosss